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Darpan ID: RJ/2015/0087820 | Regd No.: 25/DUNGARPUR/1991-92 | 12 A: AAAAM9232FE20211 | 80 G: AAAAM9232FF20219 | CSR: CSR00001325 | PAN Card No.: AAAAM9232F

Darpan ID: RJ/2015/0087820 | Regd No.: 25/DUNGARPUR/1991-92 | 12 A: AAAAM9232FE20211 | 80 G: AAAAM9232FF20219 | CSR: CSR00001325 | PAN Card No.: AAAAM9232F

Rehabilitated 3240+

Women Empowerment

i) Mahila Ashram :
MAHILA ASHARAM “An initiative by MUSKAN SANSTHAN to look after deprived females” Our organization is concerned about rehabilitating sexually abused and homeless females. Widows deserted by their families and relatives and left uncared near religious places where they are victims of exploitation, Women prisoners released from jail and without family support. To look after such females, we run a shelter in Dungarpur by the name of “Destitute Women Home”. These women are also being trained in weaving, stitching, papad making, beautician activities etc so that they can earn their livelihoods and do not have to depend on others. Beneficiaries under this home can keep their children with them. These children are also provided with the facilities of residence, fooding and schooling.

1) To provide primary need of shelter, food, clothing and care to the marginalized women /girls living in difficult circumstances who are without any social and economic support;

2) To prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation through social mobilization and involvement of local communities, awareness generation programs, generate public discourse through workshops/seminars and such events and any other innovative activity.

3) To provide emotional support and counseling to such women and rehabilitate them socially and economically through education, awareness, skill up gradatio.

ii) Livelihood Training :
Muskan Sansthan provides livelihood training to the women who are deprived and neglected from the society. Counseling is provided to them for the social stigma and discrimination and trauma they go throughout their life which help them to live a normal life. Muskan Sansthan has started to empower the women by imparting them with various training programs like mattress making, beautician course and leather bag making etc. for income generation for their sustainability and livelihood.

iii) Anganwadi Training Centre :
Dungarpur is a tribal district and a lot of welfare activities are continuously carried out in the entire district even then the graph of children suffering from ‘Malnutrition’ is still 40%. In order to curb this situation in this difficult district and to remove the tag of malnutrition, MUSKAN decided to start an ANGANWADI Training Centre in the city and hence it started “ANGANWADI Training Centre” The training of all the staff including ANGANWADI workers, helpers, etc in the ANGANWADI centers run by the Central Government as well as the State Government is carried out here in order to improve the quality of work. The organization is working on spreading the awareness among pregnant women, lasting mothers as to how to reduce the evil of Malnutrition in their children and also how to take care of the health of small kids ranging from 0-6 months and children up to 5 years through these trained ANGANWADI workers.

Any society is identified by the empowerment of the women. Faster the women empowerment and self reliance of women’s happens in the society, progress of the society will be expedited in the same way. Following the same thought process Muskan Sansthan supported more than 50 deprived and neglected women from the society.