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Darpan ID: RJ/2015/0087820 | Regd No.: 25/DUNGARPUR/1991-92 | 12 A: AAAAM9232FE20211 | 80 G: AAAAM9232FF20219 | CSR: CSR00001325 | PAN Card No.: AAAAM9232F

Darpan ID: RJ/2015/0087820 | Regd No.: 25/DUNGARPUR/1991-92 | 12 A: AAAAM9232FE20211 | 80 G: AAAAM9232FF20219 | CSR: CSR00001325 | PAN Card No.: AAAAM9232F

Cases Register 11,243+

Child Helpline

CHILDLINE is a free phone helpline for children in need of care and protection. The CHILDLINE NUMBER 1098 is a toll free number that is common in all the cities of India. Initially started in Mumbai in June 1996, CHILDLINE is currently in 210 cities across India. CHILDLINE aims at providing emergency assistance to the needs of these children. And then link them to long term services. CHILDLINE also aims at strengthening the child protection systems in the city by sensitizing the allied systems on child rights and placing children on their agenda. In every city, CHILDLINE aims at voicing the concerns and issue of children to policy makers and thus advocate for services for children.

Muskan Sansthan role in CHILDLINE

Muskan Sansthan has been working in the programme as a ‘Collaborative Organisation’in Dungarpur district of Rajasthan. Muskan Sansthan shall functions as the call centers for CHILDLINE. Muskan Sansthan has been working 24 hour and respond to calls that are received on the 1098 CHILDLINE service. The collaborative organization is provided with a center coordinator who manage a team of 8 person that respond to calls and intervene in emergency cases.

The role and function of CHILDLINE collaborative organization is as under:

1. Responding to calls received on the CHILDLINE 1098 on a 24/7 basis.

2. City mapping to identify high risk areas where vulnerable children are found

3. Intervention and case follow- up on a daily basis.

4. Awareness and outreach in the community on a daily basis.

5. Monthly open house with children who are users of the CHILDLINE service and to understand issues that concern them

6. Internal meetings once a week to discuss cases and follow up.

7. Set-up and coordinate activities and meeting of the CHILDLINE Advisory Board in locations where a nodal organization is absent.

So, far MUSKAN SANSTHAN has handled 11,243 cases. In many cases Muskan Sansthan has Rehabilitate many children to Telangana, Uttarakhand, Orissa and even to Nepal.